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Our Mission Statement

We within the Skewer hold these values to the highest degree.

If an article or a person within our newspaper does not meet these values, they will not be tolerated and be immediately withdrawn from our organization.

If the Skewer ever violates one of these values, it will rescind from publishing as it has strayed from the vision of the founder.


Our founder views integrity as the most important value behind the Skewer. Nothing published in the Skewer will ever be falsified, defamatory, misleading, or incorrect. While, yes, we do publish the occasional shitpost or two, those articles are purely satirical and have no right to be taken seriously. However, when it comes to our more serious articles, the truth is what matters most. We are a newspaper after all; our main job is to inform. We will never intentionally bend the truth, or try to sway our readers by publishing information that isn’t true, and in our more negative articles, we will never use false information to try to deliberately attack something. Defamation is against the law, and just morally wrong. Integrity is one of the main values behind the Skewer, and the most important. We within the Skewer pledge to uphold our integrity till the last days of this newspaper.


While inclusion is second to integrity, that doesn't mean it is any less important. We within the Skewer try our best to include everyone, and every opinion. This means that when approaching arguments, we try our best to not be overly biased. Our founder requires that we address both sides of an argument. This way our articles are more open to people who happen to disagree. (Unless it's a satirical article, then anything goes really). This also means that the Skewer will never wrongfully discriminate against anyone, as we are all equal. Inclusion is essential to the mission of the Skewer, and it is just as important as integrity.


Last but not least we have dedication. Dedication is extremely important to the essence of the Skewer because we are determined to get the best possible articles out to our readers to enjoy. Whether it be a shitpost or an actual article, we are dedicated to making that article the best that it can be. Each article goes through two edits, one by an editor and one by the head, before it can be cleared to be published. In this review process we make sure that the article is in its best, most enjoyable form for the reader. This is especially exemplified when it comes to the serious articles. Our founder does his best to sift through these articles to see if anything conflicts with the morals laid down by the Skewer, cutting the article if it does. Dedication is behind the core of every Skewer staff member, and is essential to the operations of the Skewer.